
 Welcome to my cooking page girls! have fun  learning new recipes!


  1. Quick and easy chicken pot pie
    a quick and easy way to use left over chicken!
    you need:
    a 13x9" casserole dish
    2-3 cups of prepared chicken
    1 can of peas
    1 can of carrots
    1 can of string beans
    1 can non-cut cresent roll dough
    2 cans of potatoes
    1 cna of cream of chicken soup
    Mix chiken, soup, and veggitables together. fill soup can 2/3 way full of water and add to mix. (add more or less for thicker or thinner gravy)
    open a can of crescent roll dough and carefully stretch to edges of the casserole dish on top of the other ingredients. put in 400 degree F oven for 20-30 minutes, until the crescent rolls are fully cooked. serve with a ladle. tastes great and good for busy days (cheaper than pizza!)
    -Delighted daughter
