
Time to get your hands dirty and your feet wet!

1 comment:

  1. Gardening from Momma
    This is a reprint of her post from last March
    Planting season is here! Are you ready? I am, My seeds are ordered and have arrived and are now waiting for planting. How do you garden? Do you have any gardening tips? I have a few that I find helpful in getting nice juicy fresh veggies as soon as possible. I plant many of my veggies in flower pots by the middle of April. the frost free day for us is about the middle of May. The reason why I do this is so I can move them inside if needed at night. Usually I only need to cover them with some burlap at night. Make sure the soil in the flower pots don't dry up since this is a sure killer of the seedlings. I usually have tomatoes and cucumbers by July 4th.
    Another helpful tip i find helpful in a successful garden is to use allot of compost. We also have pet rabbits so I compost their old hay and waste as well. Makes very good fertilizer. I usually have one of the children bring the compost out to the compost bin, the boys especially like this smelly, slimy job. We compost all kinds of veggie waste, fruit waste,like cores, and peels, coffee grinds, tea bags, egg shells etc. They then mix in the dry shredded junk mail, or newspaper, dirty soiled hay, they then hose if well so it is all wet, then they mix it well with a pitch fork. Let it bake in the sun until ready. You may need to occasionally add more compost and water to it, it should be moist but not too soggy, Makes very rich dark soil. Excellent fertilizer.
