Sunday, April 3, 2011

Big Flirt

    "Hi Johnny, Your so cute...i like your sweater... it looks, so, handsome hehe!" Suzanna said. Johnny looked at her and pointed his finger at her. "hey, you look great too babe! i can see you are working out!"  Johnny replies pridefully. Suzanna winks at him, and sways playfully to the side. "of course babe, Anything for you!" ... This is traditionally  what is thought to be flirting. of course, I wouldn't talk like this. But let's Think about it... is flirting really only the words, accents and swaying we use when talking to the opposite sex? What does the Bible say? In reading the Song of Solomon, we come across a verse that is repeated over and over again:  SOS 8:4: "I charge you,O daughters of Jerusalem, that ye stir not up, or awake my love, until he please." This verse is found a few times earlier in the Book as well. This verse tells us something about the role of women in a relationship: They are not to initiate it.
    While a Woman can introduce herself to a young man, she is not to go and try to turn it into a "special Friendship".  If a girl has a "crush" or an "interest" in this "cute" guy, then she is best not going out of her way to introduce herself. Historically, a woman did not speak to men unless the man addressed her. though we cannot use history to defend our stance, it is true that even in the Bible a woman did not initiate a relationship unless she was spoken to, unless she was a harlot.
       Girls tend to get ecstatic when they aren't "dating" yet. They crazily go about dating boys, thinking that that is the only way a girl can get married. Many times a girl in this kind of relationship can get selfish, seeking gifts, special dates, constant conversation, and exciting thrills, and comments like "your eyes are so beautiful today." Is this how God planned marriage? No! people can get deceived into thinking that the relationship will always go smoothly, and that the marriage relationship is all going to be fun and games. God commands us to work, so the " ideal marriage" does not fit in this category. now, a woman is to be working from the home, running her household, caring for the needs of husband and children. But it still is work, and still takes focus and understanding. marriage is not a life long date, it is a loving submission on the wife's part, and caring dedication on the man's part. it is team work, and appreciation for one another.
       So, regular dating and woman initiated relationships are not the Biblical way. In the Bible, Men initiated relationships. Many people apply this today in the form of  "courtship". We will discuss that another time.
     Flirting also consists of trying to get the attention of the Guy.  Putting on certain clothes, hairstyles, and makeup are all ways we "flirt". flirting is not particularly the words, it is the heart attitude behind our words and actions. While we may not wear mini skirts or skinny jeans and a halter top, flirting, even while dressing modestly, is immodest .
      Things The Bible says is wrong:
           1. Winking  (proverbs 6:13)
           2.  Impudent (flirty) faces (proverbs 7:13)
           3. flirtatious behavior (Isaiah 3:16)
           4. Woman usurping the leadership of a man (1 Timothy 2:12)
    We should be Careful not to flirt. we should not dress in flashy clothes, put extra makeup on and look at them a certain way to get their attention, and of course, when should not talk about how they look, act, or behave unless it is to find out biblical standards (this eliminates "that is a cute shirt, you are so handsome, i like it when you do that" and etc.) . we should also make sure the man we are courting refrains from it as well. (he shouldn't say "your so beautiful, I like that dress on you, your makeup looks better today, or Your hair is so silky,). A man that does not hold our standards cannot be compatible with us .
       The Best thing a Woman can do is to wait patiently upon the Lord, and not "awaken his Love before he pleases." God will bring the right man into your life. if not, God has bigger plans for you, and in all things, wait upon the Lord.
  - Delighted daughter.

Notes: I like to refrain from using "guy" when talking about good relationships. it has a flirty and playful denotation which takes my mind off of focusing on Important things.


  1. I think one of the biggest tools in flirtation, is eye contact. Guarding your eyes is as important as guarding your heart ... through eye contact, you can lose your heart.

    Thanks for sharing!
