Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Stay at home daughterhood: is it in the Bible?

  The truth is, I am not a full time stay at home daughter,I have a job at a local pizza store for 8 hours a week. it is hard to figure out exactly how to apply stay at home daughterhood. while there is freedom in the Bible to live as a stay at home daughter through different applications, I often find myself and people wondering about my social abilities and laziness that could come about through "being home" all the time. personally, I can see why.I have a history of complaining and sitting around doing nothing. I want that to change. Currently, I am in the "early stages" of stay at home daughterhood. My time is spent now on trying to figure out where it is found in the Bible. My family is very theological, and often has discussions in which I have a hard time backing up my points. this is the reason why it is important to show exact backup for my points from the Bible. People want to see me telling them from the Bible, not just from so and so's reasoning .(not that it is wrong to read books on the subject: i am a advocate of such things!)
     Truth #1- In the Bible, women stayed home and were commanded to be taught to be "keepers at home". Isn't it amazing how silent the bible is on unmarried women? it says "young women", which people always take to mean  "wife". It does not say "wife" though?does it?  My sister points out that the Greek word (used in Titus 2 verse 4) generally means "woman" and could mean old, or married, or young woman, or just plain woman. the verse before it, which says older "women" also is the same word. Perhaps the Greek word is general. But when we say "woman" in English, it also can mean any of those things. ("the woman down the street" could be old, or young, or married, or unmarried...etc) but by translation, throughout multiple translations, including modern ones like NIV or ESV, "young" or "younger"woman is always used. Why not "wives"?  I looked at Bible gateway at many translations, I even Google translated the Chinese verses in Titus 2, and still, it says "young woman". many of them say "admonish" or "train" or "teach" all of these skills to them. it is a little late to "teach" someone or "train" someone for something they already have to be able to do, wouldn't you say?
     Truth # 2- the Bible never really mentions a "godly woman" who went out and made a life for herself. Dinah went out of her house and went out into the town: She was given to fornication. there is nothing indicating she was raped. this happens to many women who go out to see "the daughters of the land" (worldly friends, worldly entertainment etc).  Jezebel also wanted to make a name for herself: she was said to be an evil woman.  many people come to a few contradictions with these thoughts.
     Firstly, they recall Ruth. the Girl who worked in the fields and randomly came across a relative. well, first, she collected donations, she had to "go out" to get them, but she did not work for wages as a man would. she did not get a job. she accepted donations. she was protected by Boaz, now, this did happen By Grace,but one thing is true, she was donated to, and was protected under the Biblical laws of gleaning. after she found her kinsman, she did not leave his protection. later, she married him.
   next, they may recall the women who followed Jesus. they were all married, but "wondering about" with Christ. they were like female missionaries. these women, though traveling about, were ina feminine role. they did not teach or preach, but they prepared him food and care while he was around. they also came from somewhat unbiblical situations. one of them was possessed by demons, the other was the wife of Chuza, who served Herod,(if Chuza really loved Christ, would he not leave that high position? perhaps his wife had been persecuted and she needed the safety of Christ to protect her)  Susanna is the only one that we do not know much about. But in general, things were different While Christ was on earth, in the New Testament, men were told not to leave their wives for long periods of time (1Corinthians 7:5), But the disciples, some whom were married, traveled all of the time. these are not contradictions, but things which needed happen during this time to teach the people God's plan of salvation.
     Fact#3: The idea of women leaving their homes for a "job" is not condoned in the Bible, But a woman working from her home is, and is in fact, encouraged (proverbs 31).

   Does this mean a woman can never go outside her home? NO!
  It means, in general, her Job is her family.God gave her that job, While God gave men the job to provide for their families physically, spiritually, and emotionally. men is any male, married or unmarried, and woman means any woman, married or unmarried. God is a God of order, he does not give commands for unmarried men with married men, and not do the same for woman.
   are you not married? Not in the Business of raising children? Serve your mother and father. help with your siblings. assist a new mother with her child and house work. you can get out and do things, but in a different sphere. go grocery shopping for mom, be a hostess to your neighbors by having them over for dinner and some fun. we are living Bibles. Have tea parties with ladies at church in your home or their homes. there are lots of social opportunities! (you can even write a blog as a ministry where ministry opportunities are limited.lol!)
   Remember too, that when it comes to marriage, you will not likely meet your husband in the world. the best place to find a drunkard is a bar, and the best place to find a godly man is through ministry. get involved in a church if one is available to you.My family is trying to find a godly Church now, but for now, the only opportunities for ministry is in My home. but I know God has perfect timing, and one perfect man for me. he will bring him to me in his timing, no matter where! so going to church and having godly friends is important!
  Titus 2 also says that we are to live this way so that the world has no reason to blaspheme God. That is a big assignment!
    So remember, it is a Biblical command. How we apply it may vary, but it must be applied, with all dilligence!

God Bless!
-Delighted daughter


  1. I enjoyed reading this! Keep praying and studying and seeking the Father's Will for you, and remember - He is not going to go against His Word. I had someone tell me that the Heavenly Father had given them a dream/desire to pursue a certain career. I'm sorry, but the Almighty is not going to lay out a pattern in His Word, and then give us a "desire" or "dream" to go against it! He does work all things out for good for them that love Him and are called according to His purpose, and I believe that He can use us even if we're not exactly following His directions ... but we're not going to have the same blessing and peace and contentment. True joy is found in following Him, and His plan for life.

    Thank you for sharing!!

  2. Thanks Hannah! Encouragement always helps!
    I am very new to the Idea. somehow, i wondered before I even heard of this movement if women, even unmarried, were supposed to remain home. isn't it strange that the idea came to me without direct teaching? God works in many ways! Praise the Lord!
    I was introduced to this Idea though books i requested to get as Christmas presents. one specific thing i asked for was "Return of the Daughters". My mommy got me "So much More" and "joyfully at home" as well. After I read those, i searched the scriptures. though "stay at home daughter" is not physically mentioned, it is in the Bible. the opposite, however, rarely ever is in the Word of God unless it is an evil woman... The ideas are confirmed!
    Thanks again!
